Dinald Trump
Can President Trump, heep his promises? 1. WILL HE BUILD HIS MEXICO WALL? Is unlikely that Donald Trump will build a wall because it's very expensive and Mexico don't want to pay! In the campaign he said that he will build a giant, powerful and beautiful wall, but now, he says that he will build a fence. He change the concept because a wall and a fence are not the same! 2. WILL HE CANCEL THE PARIS CLIMATE CHANGE ACCORD? Trump is not a big believer in man-made climate change. As such, he will probably withdraw the USA from the paris climate change accord. In the US withdraws, many other countries will question why they should accepts a clean energy cost when America doesn't. 3. WILL HE DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS? No, in campaign time, he said that all imigrants will been deported but now, he says that he'll deport 2-3 milion. Why he change this number? Because deport all theese immigrants are too many expensive. It will cost between 400-600 bilion do...